We have provided a ZECCER self-service printer at the Information and Library Center, so you can print from any device with a PC, tablet or smartphone.
Instructions for use are available on the service provider’s website at the link: PRINT
Pricing for printing in accordance with the provider’s service.
UMED students and employees can use the CIB 24/6 printer.
All others are welcome during the opening hours of the Information and Library Center.
Fines apply to all CIB users and will be charged in the amount of:
0,30 PLN from each overdue book, for each day after the return date.
An example penalty for 5 overdue books will be respectively:
5 books x 0.30 PLN = 1.50 PLN per day
3 days = 4,50 PLN
10 days = 15 PLN
Please send the fees for the untimely return of books to the bank account: 46 1050 1461 1000 0005 0378 4118.
In the “transfer title” field, please write: For retention of books for CIB UM.
Please send the confirmation of the transfer in a pdf file to the address of the Circulation Desk: cib.wypozyczalnia@umed.lodz.pl