Scientific achievements


PublicUM is an information system on the scientific activity of the staff of the Medical University of Łódź. It collects data on the scientific output of the University’s employees, their activities and achievements. It is part of the InterScienceCloud platform, where information on publications, research data, projects, patents, implementations, medical apparatus, digitised medical objects and other areas related to the scientific activity of the University are collected, organised and made available in a user-friendly way. It provides the basis for reporting to the MEiN, and enables the generation of reports and summaries for the University’s internal and external needs.

Submission of achievements to PublicUM

  • All information on achievements should be submitted exclusively via the Process Portal → AP10.02 → Adding a publication / Adding an activity / Adding an achievement.
  • Publications can be submitted by any employee of the University who has access to the Process Portal; activities and professional achievements can only be submitted by the person to whom they relate.
  • In order to submit a publication, it is necessary to select the type of work to be submitted (article, abstract, chapter, book), provide its title and obligatorily attach a pdf file with the content of the work.
  • Every author of a publication employed at the University is obliged to fill in the statement “Confirmation of scientific achievements”, which will appear as a task in the Process Portal after processing the submitted publication by an employee of the Information and Library Centre.


A detailed and abridged version of the instructions for reporting scientific output and professional activities and achievements is available on the PublicUM homepage under PublicUM → Instructions at:

Answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the PublicUM website under PublicUM → FAQs.


Bibliography and Bibliometrics Department
phone +48 (42) 272 54 21
