Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO) – a multidisciplinary bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts. It indexes scientific journals and various materials (magazines, periodicals, reports, books, video recordings, and reference materials) across all fields of science, including astronomy, anthropology, biomedicine, engineering, health, law, literature, mathematics, pharmacology, zoology, and many others. Providing comprehensive coverage, this database includes literature from diverse sources, offering access to a wide range of content from numerous disciplines.
ACS All Current Publications & Legacy Archives – a chemical bibliographic and abstract database with access to full texts. Indexes contemporary publications up to 1996 and archival publications from 1879–1995. Collections include scientific journals and other materials (books, reference materials, news magazines, and scientific programs).
Biological Science Database (ProQuest) – a bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts, available via the ProQuest platform. Indexes comprehensive information on biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology, and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science. It provides access to scientific journals, as well as conference materials, technical reports, monographs, and selected books and patents.
BioMedCentral – a full-text free database from Springer Nature Publishing in the fields of biomedicine, chemistry, criminology, dentistry, earth sciences, education, energy, engineering, environment, life sciences, materials engineering, mathematics, medicine and public health, philosophy, psychology, and social sciences, gives access to many Open Access scientific journal titles.
BMJ Journals – a full-text collection of peer-reviewed journals in the field of medical sciences and related disciplines. The titles are categorized by subject areas.
Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO) – a multidisciplinary bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts containing historical information and covering current trends in business. It indexes scientific journals and other materials (books, case studies, conference papers, reports, theses, government documents, grey literature, periodicals, reviews, analyses, and reference materials).
ClinicalKey – a comprehensive database of medical information from Elsevier, containing a wealth of materials to support clinical decision-making.
In addition to books and textbooks, the platform includes journals, guidelines from leading health organizations, abstracts of clinical topics, drug monographs, information on conditions and treatments, as well as audiovisual materials (videos of medical procedures) and multimedia.
The database also provides interactive clinical decision support tools, tools to help identify the best treatment options, and materials to support patient education.
Once registered on the platform, users can download chapters from textbooks in PDF format (one user can download no more than 50% of a book). The graphics database can be used to prepare ppt presentations directly from the database using the ‘Presentation’ function (appropriate citation and copyright information is automatically added, and some images can be edited in PowerPoint).
Cochrane Library – a bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts, collects regularly updated, reliable biomedical data and studies to support decision-making in healthcare (systematic reviews, clinical trials, clinical decision support abstracts).
The database includes:
– Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
– Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)
– Cochrane Clinical Answer (CCA)
Complete Anatomy – learning app for anatomy, 3D anatomical atlas. Use of the platform is possible after logging in.
Consumer Health Database (ProQuest) – a bibliographic-abstract database with access to full text, provided through the ProQuest platform. It indexes comprehensive information on obstetrics, women’s and children’s health, dietetics, sports injuries, ophthalmology, and dentistry.
Dentistry & Oral Science Source – a full-text specialist database in dentistry, covering areas such as public health, endodontics, orofacial pain and surgery, odontology, pathology, surgery, maxillofacial and oral radiology, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, and prosthodontics. It is updated weekly and made available on the EBSCO platform.
Directory of Open Access Journals – an Open Access catalogue indexing the largest collection of scientific journals available under free licences. The service provides access to full texts and allows users to browse journal titles by discipline, search for journal titles in the alphabetical index and search for articles by keyword.
Dissertations & Theses A&I: Health & Medicine (ProQuest) – a bibliographic-abstract database of dissertations (masters and doctoral) in medicine and health sciences. It is often also possible to preview the full text of the first 20 pages or the full text of the thesis. This is an important source of grey literature (e.g. when writing a systematic review).
Dryad – an open-access repository for research data, particularly focusing on medicine and related fields. The database allows downloading datasets and provides bibliographic data on related materials, licensing information, and collections’ descriptions.
DynaMed Plus – a database providing information for decision-makers to facilitate clinical decision-making; includes clinical topic summaries, guidelines, recommendations, interactive clinical decision support tools, tools to help identify the best treatment options, information on drugs and drug interactions, and medical calculators.
EBSCOhost – a list of multi-domain databases, both full-text and bibliographic-abstract, available on the EBSCO platform. – a comprehensive bibliographic-abstract database in pharmacology, toxicology, and medical devices with access to full text since 1974. It also includes publications from journals not indexed by Medline. is indexed according to the Emtree thesaurus, the equivalent of MeSH with a broader database of entries (e.g. those on drugs and substances).
Free Medical Journals – a full-text database offering access to 430 scientific journals (mostly English-language).
The site does not have a typical search engine, but journals are sorted alphabetically (by the starting letter of the title) and by subject area. The user will also find information about periods of delayed free access to popular journals (embargoes).
Library of Science – a platform allowing full-text search of resources from various fields, including natural sciences, exact sciences, social sciences, humanities, as well as medical and health sciences. It also serves as a licensed archive server, covering Elsevier, Springer, and Wiley journals, and Springer books (available for institutions subscribed to the license).
Health & Medical Complete (ProQuest) – a bibliographic-abstract database with full-text access provided through the ProQuest platform. This database offers reliable, comprehensive journal coverage of clinical and biomedical topics, consumer health administration, and more.
Health Source – Consumer Edition (EBSCO) – a bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts, available on the EBSCO platform. The database covers a wide range of topics and provides access to consumer health magazines and brochures. Through this database, users also have access to the Merriam-Webster medical dictionary.
Healthcare Administration Database (ProQuest) – a bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts, provided through the ProQuest platform. It indexes comprehensive information on topics related to health administration, health professions, hospitals, insurance, medical law, statistics, business and management, personnel, ethics, economics, and public health.
Karger – a full-text database of scientific journals in various medical fields (audiology, cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, emergency medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, general medicine, genetics, geriatrics and gerontology, hematology, immunology, neurology, dietetics, oncology, ophthalmology, pathology, pharmacology, pneumology, psychiatry and psychology, public health, surgery, and others).
Legalis – a comprehensive database of Polish and European law. It contains systemically related legal acts, case law, and specimen writings from all areas of law.
MEDLINE (EBSCO) – a bibliographic-abstract database with full-text access provided through the EBSCO platform, covering publications in medicine, biomedicine, and health sciences. Medline is one of the largest and best-known medical databases in the world, developed and made available by the National Library of Medicine in the USA. The database is indexed according to the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) thesaurus.
MEDLINE Ultimate – the most comprehensive database with access to full-text scientific journals. The database provides authoritative medical information in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the healthcare system, pre-clinical science, and much more.
Please note that access to full texts is sometimes restricted by embargo.
Micromedex – a specialized platform with interlinked databases in a wide range of medical and pharmaceutical fields. It provides access to drug monographs, interactions, toxicological information, dosage regimens, or chemical structures, among others.
“Nature” – one of the oldest (1869) and most cited scientific journals in the world, a new issue is published every week. It describes discoveries from all fields of natural sciences, engineering, science, and economics.
Nursing & Allied Health Database (ProQuest) – a bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts, provided through the ProQuest platform. This database offers reliable, comprehensive coverage of the fields of nursing and allied health (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, cytology, histology, physiology, anatomy, gerontology, geriatrics, orthopedics, traumatology, radiology, diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine, nutrition, dietetics, dental hygiene, rehabilitation), including journals, videos, dissertations, reference books and more.
Open Science Framework – a free open-source tool for managing scientific projects. OSF supports researchers throughout the entire project lifecycle and was developed by the Center for Open Science with a mission to increase the openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research.
Among other things, it offers pre-registration of protocols – you can define your research plan even before you start your research and submit it to the registry. In the Open Science Framework, protocols can also be registered by students. The platform guides you through the entire registration or pre-registration process (OSF guide to protocol registration).
Polish Medical Bibliography (PBL 1979–1990) – a bibliographic archive (closed, not updated) of Polish publications in the field of medical sciences, health care organization, health education, and related fields. The PBL collection includes scientific, clinical and professional literature, popular literature, monographs, and unpublished doctoral and postdoctoral theses in the collection of the Main Medical Library.
Please note that abstracts and full texts are not available.
Polish Medical Bibliography (PBL 1991–) – an up-to-date bibliographic-abstract database of Polish publications in medical sciences, health care organization and health education and related fields.
It also sometimes provides abstracts of publications in Polish and English, and sometimes a link leading to the full text is available.
ProQuest Central – a comprehensive bibliographic-abstract database with access to full-text publications. Provides access to specialized databases in a wide range of subject areas (mainly related to medical and health sciences).
Psychology Database (ProQuest) – a bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts, provided through the ProQuest platform. The database provides access to scientific journals (and other materials) that cover behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial, and social psychology, as well as personality, psychobiology, psychometrics, and neuroscience. Many titles are indexed in PsycINFO.
Public Health Database (ProQuest) – a bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts, provided through the ProQuest platform. The database provides access to scientific journals (and other materials in various media forms) that cover research in dietetics, physical fitness and hygiene, statistics, genetics, addiction, special education and rehabilitation, occupational health and safety, infectious diseases, immunology, nursing, and pediatrics.
Public Library of Science (PLOS) – a full-text database of journals in science, technology, medicine, and other scientific fields, making scientific journals available in open access.
PubMed – a free bibliographic-abstract database for searching and accessing full texts, abstracts, and bibliographic descriptions of publications indexed by MEDLINE in various fields of medicine, biology, pharmacology, genetics, and other biomedical sciences. The database is indexed according to the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) thesaurus.
PubMed Central – a freely accessible repository containing the full texts of articles in the biomedical and life sciences. Please note that the full texts of some articles are only made available after a certain period of time (embargo).
PubMed Central (Europe) – a freely accessible repository containing the full texts of articles in the biomedical and life sciences. Please note that the full texts of some articles are only made available after a certain period of time (embargo).
RSC – a full-text database with access to electronic journals and books published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Publishing offerings cover the main chemical sciences as well as related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine, and physics.
Sage Research Methods – a database containing a comprehensive library of research methods publications including, but not limited to, books, reference works, scientific journal articles, and audiovisual material.
*Instructions (in English): click
Science – one of the oldest (1880) and most cited scientific journals in the world, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. A new issue is published every week. It describes discoveries mainly in the life sciences.
Science Direct Journals – Elsevier Publishing’s interdisciplinary database of peer-reviewed scientific literature. Journal titles can be browsed alphabetically or by discipline.
ScienceOpen – a free web platform dedicated to scientists, allowing them to search for scientific journals, publishers, reports, conference proceedings and other publications.
SciFinder (CAS) – a bibliographic-abstract database with access to full text containing not only bibliographic data but also information on chemical compounds and reactions from chemical journals, scientific and technical magazines, books, reports, and patents.
Please note that access to the database requires registration at the following link: click
Scopus – a bibliometric, multidisciplinary bibliographic-abstract database from Elsevier Publishers with full-text access, including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, and professional publications. This database is used for bibliometric analyses, including the determination of the Hirsch index.
SpringerLink/online – a multidisciplinary database of full-text scientific journals and books published by Elsevier.
Taylor & Francis – a multidisciplinary database of full-text scientific journals, including those in medicine and related sciences.
Vital Source – the platform allows students to conduct virtual physiological experiments, thereby replacing animal testing.
Web of Science – a bibliometric, multidisciplinary bibliographic-abstract database with access to full texts, including citation indexes and scientific databases, allowing information on citations to be obtained and thematic searches of scientific literature to be carried out. In addition, additional bibliometric tools are available in the tabs: Journal Citation Reports, InCites, Essential Science Indicators, and an online version of the EndNote bibliography manager.
Please note that the user registers on the platform independently.
Wiley Online Library – a multidisciplinary database of full-text scientific journals, including those in medicine and related sciences.