The Neurosurgical Atlas – free trial access.

The Neurosurgical Atlas, by Aaron Cohen-Gadol, M.D. is a comprehensive and reliable source of technical information for neurosurgery. The database includes:

  • more than 1,000 videos capturing innovative and effective techniques during surgery
  • over 5000 original step-by-step illustrations and surgical images
  • over 1700 interactive neuroanatomical images
  • interactive 3D models with descriptions, which can also be viewed in virtual reality (VR) space

The Neurosurgical Atlas brings together more than 75,000 members of the medical community, including practising neurosurgeons, medical students, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pathologists, anatomists, neuroscientists, oncologists and radiologists, and many others.

Access to The Neurosurgical Atlas:

Free access will last until 6 February. We encourage you to test it out!
